Here’s the situation: You wake up one day and come to the realization that you aren’t who you used to be. You reflect on the golden years when you were in your teens and 20s, and you remember having so much more energy, drive, and tenacity for life. 

Then you think of your state of being. You feel sluggish and tired all the time, and you lack energy and can’t recover as quickly as you used to. You start to think, “eh, I’m just getting older, and this is how it is.”

If this is you, there are some facts you need to hear. First, you’re not alone. Second, there is a way to regain your vitality and get your life back on track physically, mentally, and emotionally.

The secret is testosterone replacement therapy. You may have heard of this but only have listened to the adverse side effects of this treatment. This article is here to get you informed! 

Read on as we go over five common misconceptions about testosterone replacement therapy and how you can benefit from treatments.

What Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is an increasingly popular medical treatment used to help men achieve the proper testosterone levels their bodies should have. Low testosterone levels can happen from untreated medical conditions or general aging. 

A medical professional can administer TRT treatments in several different ways: intramuscular injections, orally (pill form) or transdermally through a patch or gel preparations. All of these are effective, so pick the one you feel comfortable with if you are to get treatments.

The Five Misconceptions of Testosterone Replacement

When treatment for disease or illness can be utilized, there will always be misinformation that can confuse people. If you studied up on TRT, you’ll start seeing a lot of misconceptions when it comes to these treatments. Let’s go over them.

1. Low Testosterone Is Normal

Although low testosterone is a part of the normal aging process, it doesn’t mean you have to live with it. The reason you felt so vibrant and full of life during your young adult years has to do with you having the right testosterone levels.

So, it makes sense to make up these levels if they decrease as you age. Furthermore, low testosterone levels can lead to fatigue, low sex drive, depression, erectile dysfunction, and muscle loss.

If you believe you’re suffering from low testosterone, it’s best to consult a medical professional.

2. I Will Look Like I’m on Steroids if I Get TRT

A common misconception is that you’ll look like you’re on steroids if you get TRT treatments, resembling an unnatural physique. TRT treatments will help you enhance your muscles if you are working out, but they won’t give you muscles simply by taking the treatments.

While many bodybuilders participate in TRT treatments, you won’t get an unnatural-looking body with treatments.

Most people seeking treatments are those who want their energy, libido, and focus back. 

3. Testosterone Increases Cancer 

Although an early study suggested a correlation between cancer and TRT treatments, newer studies done by the National Center for Biotechnology information have debunked this.

The study was done with patients who had undiagnosed prostate cancer. New studies have found that there is no higher risk of prostate cancer than the general population when doing TRT treatments.

4. Testosterone Is Only for Men With Erectile Disfunction

Low testosterone levels don’t just cause erectile dysfunction (ED). Nor is Seeking TRT treatments just for those with ED.

Low testosterone can cause a plethora of symptoms that can disrupt everyday life. These symptoms include the following:

TRT treatments can help resolve a lot of these problems and get you back to feeling younger, giving you a brand new lease on life.

5. Primary Care Physician Can Help With Low Testosterone

Although each individual has a unique plan for handling low testosterone, and your primary care physician can help with that, it’s not the only option.

There are treatment centers that have more experience in dealing with low testosterone levels and can provide a more thorough plan for you. 

These specialty centers will monitor you regularly and keep a close eye on your hormone level. They provide a tailored plan that suits your needs and helps you with your low testosterone problems.

Is TRT Therapy Safe?

Testosterone replacement therapy is a widely used treatment that 0.9-2.7 percent of the males in the United States participate in.

All in all, if you fit the criteria of low testosterone and are under the care of a licensed medical professional, testosterone replacement therapy is relatively safe. If you tried testosterone boosters and vitamin supplements that are giving you the results you want, testosterone replacement therapy might be for you.

Get Started With Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Now that we’ve gone over the five misconceptions of testosterone replacement therapy, it’s time for you to take charge of your life. It’s essential to know the truth about TRT treatments and how they can be safe and effective ways of bringing balance to your hormonal problems. 

If you want to know more about TRT therapy to see if it’s right for you, feel free to contact us and request a consultation today.

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